Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Glen's Update: Revolutionizing Food Storage Methods

We have been doing a lot of research in the area of preservation of food especially withthe long trip coming soon, but until now we have not had much luck, that is until today.

A friend of mine was able to stumble upon some unique research that mention a very strange theory thatjust might work. Most preserved foods have the water removed. This is a very expensive processand it means water needs to be added back later if available. But what if there is no water?

To understand the theory you have to ask yourself one question. Why remove the water?you probably said something about taking up less space, or that the water causes the food to rot quicker. Let's look at the first answer: If you have to store water too then you are in a sense using the same storage anyways.Now that we have that one out of the way, let's look at the second answer.

Water causes food to rot. But if we are not removing it what are we doing. Well what if water was not water. It seems a scientist has come up with a theory that if wealter the valence bonds of the water they will not oxidize. Suposedly he has a machine that does it.We are trying to track it down.

If you know more about this research or have one of these machines, I really would like to talk to you.Please email Susan Fischer at

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